Thursday, February 18, 2010

six weeks old - finally passed her due date!

So, Eliana was due yesterday... now she is a real newborn :) We torture her during the day to keep her awake so she sleeps at night - so far it is working pretty well. She eats like a champ and has the chubby cheeks to prove it! She now weighs 7 lbs 10 oz and is 20 1/2 inches long.

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable! I love the Eric Carle rattle and the pig bib!

    I'm so glad you started a blog...I've loved following Shannon on hers. Eliana is precious! I cannot beleive how tiny she is. Caitlin was born via c-section after my due date because she was so big...8lbs 7 oz and 20 and 1/2 inches at birth!

    I am so happy for you!
